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In keeping with the Biblical tradition, a degree program of Bachelor of Arts in Religion will (1) provide a good Biblical foundation for the personal development of students, (2) enable the students to select further study for personal enrichment and to develop Biblical skills needed for a more effective Christian witness, and (3) train terminal majors for the ministry as pastors, evangelists, Christian educators, youth ministers or missionaries.


Undergraduate degree requirements are designed to encourage students to explore a wide range of academic disciplines and to focus in depth on one area. The program offers flexibility in choice of liberal arts and professional studies electives to complement specified specialization subjects. A total of 126 quarter units with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0(C+) on a 4.0 scale is required for the B.A. in Religion degree.

  • 33 General Education
  • 45 Major Foundational Studies
  • 30 Specialization Studies
  • 18 Concentration Studies

All students must choose one Specialization and one Concentration, or a double Specialization


Prerequisites to the baccalaureate degree program in Religion is to have a high school diploma with at least a 2.00 (C+) grade point average (GPA) or have equivalent academic preparation, as determined by CFU; to attain at least 2.00 GPA in any university and other post-secondary studies attempted; and to show promise of success in the pursuit of the B.A. degree.


There are no set time limits for completion of the B.A. degree program, but students are expected to make adequate progress toward their degree. Undergraduate students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward meeting the B.A degree requirements. Satisfactory progress requires completion of at least 20 quarter units each calendar year with a 2.00 (C+) or better grade point average, including at least 14 units of General Education until these are met.



The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program is designed to equip the student for a full-time professional Christian ministry (pastor, teacher, evangelist, church planter, missionary, or leader in a parachurch organization). Its objective is to stimulate the student to establish an adequate foundation for the beginning of ministry and for the lifelong process of learning and experience. This entails an accurate knowledge of the Word of God, the source of faith, and the effective means of its communication. The course of study is therefore designed to achieve a proper balance between the academic, the practical and the personal. Although the M.Div. Degree is not necessary for ordination in all churches or denominations, it is the level of degree which the CFU recommends all prospective pastors seek to attain.


A total of 120 quarter units (108 q.u. plus 12 units of internship) with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.30(B-) on a 4.0 scale is required for the Master of Divinity degree. Among them, a maximum of 30 units may be selected from Specialized Upper Division undergraduate  studies(400 levels) relevant to the student’s program.


Prerequisites for the M.Div. program are to meet the School’s admission qualifications which indicate their ability to pursue advanced study and research. It normally requires a bachelor’s or master’s degree from a regionally accredited liberal arts institution or seminaries.


All requirements for the M.Div. degree must be completed within 4 years of the date of registration for the first course counted toward the degree after admission to CFU. This time limit may be extended due to special extenuating circumstances.



The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling degree is a two year program that provides in-depth course work for those who wish to be equipped with counseling competence needed to assist Christian individuals and families both in and out of the local church context. It is a non-licensure program, which is not designed to fulfill the California state requirements for licensure. The goals of the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling program are to 1) prepare students for practical counseling ministry; and 2) prepare students for counseling related services in church and community


A total of 72 quarter units (68 q.u. plus Thesis) with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.30(B-) on a 4.0 scale is required for the M.A. in Christian Counseling degree.


Prerequisites for the M.A. in Christian Counseling program are to meet the School’s admission qualifications which indicate their ability to pursue advanced study and research. It normally requires a bachelor’s or master’s degree from regionally accredited liberal arts institution or seminaries.


All requirements for the Master of Arts in Christian Counseling degree must be completed within 2 years of the date of registration for the first course counted toward the degree after admission to CFU. This time limit may be extended due to special extenuating circumstances



Master of Arts in Theological Studies is designed for students whose purpose of study is to prepare themselves to pursue a higher degree in biblical, or theological studies. Upon completion of this program the student will: 1) Demonstrates competencies in biblical languages, exegesis and interpretation of the Old and New Testaments; 2) Have the ability to think theologically by understanding the knowledge of the Christian faith and tradition.


A total of 72 quarter units (68 q.u. plus Thesis) with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.30(B-) on a 4.0 scale is required for the M.A. in Theological Studies degree.


Prerequisites for the M.A. in Theological Studies degree are to meet the School’s admission qualifications which indicate their ability to pursue advanced study and research. It normally requires a bachelor’s or master’s degree from regionally accredited liberal arts institution or seminaries.


All requirements for the Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree must be completed within 2 years of the date of registration for the first course counted toward the degree after admission to CFU. This time limit may be extended due to special extenuating circumstances.



The Doctor of Ministry is an advanced professional program for those persons already successfully engaged in Christian ministry. The program is designed to enhance professional competence in the practice of ministry, to provide opportunity for the renewal of the minister’s personal and spiritual life, and to stimulate growth in ministry. The Doctor of Ministry program seeks to equip students with practical knowledge and skills for pastoral ministry with increased competence and effectiveness. Through 28 credits of in-depth study of theology and ministry, students are spiritually and intellectually renewed, grow personally, and develop ministry skills to better serve the Christian community.


A total of 96 quarter units with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.30(B-) on a 4.0 scale is required for the Doctor of Ministry degree:

           Complete 72 quarter units of courses

           Complete 24 quarter units of research project


Students who apply for the Doctor of Ministry program must hold a three-year Master of Divinity degree or its academic equivalent. In addition, applicants must have at least three years of ministry or missional experience and be currently involved in a ministry.


The program is a minimum of three years in length and requires the completing of 8 courses plus the completion and of a Research Project. Course work must be completed within two academic years. The Research Project course (DM 790) needs to be registered in the first quarter after completing the course work. The Research Project may be completed during the third year, but must be completed by the fourth. This time limit may be extended due to special extenuating circumstances.



The Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology is designed to serve experienced Christian leaders who wish to enhance their professional competence, to seek personal renewal and growth, and to develop an advanced understanding of mission. The purpose of the Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology is to advance theologically competent leadership in a global context by equipping students with advanced knowledge and skill sets that integrate the study of theology, history, social sciences, and missiology with a variety of cognate disciplines that enhance advanced ministerial practice. Furthermore, the Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology provides the education to complete the doctoral project, thesis, or culminating dissertation research project.


The Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology curriculum consists of 8 Core Courses (32 quarter units); Complete 40  quarter units of Elective Courses ; Complete 24 quarter units of DMISS 790 – Research Project


Applicants must have completed the Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent with at least a 3.0 GPA from a regionally accredited liberal arts institution or seminaries. In addition, applicants must have at least three years of ministry or missional experience and be currently involved in a ministry.


The program is a minimum of three years in length and requires the completing of 8 courses plus the completion and of a Research Project. Course work must be completed within two academic years. The Research Project course (DMISS 790) needs to be registered in the first quarter after completing the course work. The Research Project may be completed during the third year, but must be completed by the fourth. This time limit may be extended due to special extenuating circumstances.